
Thinking about Paper prototype

  • Design our paper prototype:
  • Since we want to create our final product as an interactive movie, we came up with how to make our paper prototype displayed in a dynamic way and simulate the real screen and functionality for our users. We use “drag” idea from X’mas card. If user moves the scroll, we will drag the transparent film to demonstrate the movies as they are watching a real interface.
  • purpose:
  • to discover whether our concept works or not and to see if users can grasp the idea of timeline and characters scrolls. (not to test users' understanding of this story, since the timelines video are not available to include and conduct now)
  • to observe how much our product concept can trigger users’ interest and motivation, and also, to receive feedback from them to improve our final product.

  • I also think about the preparation: According to Mazy's lecture, before we start to do the paper prototyping test, I think we need to make sure the following points
  • paper prototype: it's better to storyboard each branch of our narrative, and the choice screens to our storyboard ( will check the prototype tmr, we have time to modify before the tutorial with Mazy at 12:00)
  • the roles in the test: we need to decide
    - moderator: tester, ask questions and write down observations ( I suggest 2 people, one for question, and another for taking notes)
    - computer: operate the prototype according to the participants' choices of each step, don't speak to the user (I suggest 1~2 people, one for the screen, another one for the sliders control)
    - narrator: describe each scene displayed in the prototype and narrate the action represented on the screen
  • practice: ensure the testing process goes smoothly and in case of missing something
  • randomly select the students in LCC to test: at least 3 students

*** during the testing, avoid of describing how to use the control screens, just describe what is happening in each screen.***

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