

After morning meeting, each of us started to do our works in the afternoon.
- Shira & Taz: storyboarding
- Sasha: paper prototype making
- Michele: Timetable and scheduling

I think I should start the website planning. Although in "my room" website, I used Dreamweaver and Flash to create, I have only basic understanding about the HTML & CSS. So, I talked with Michele about my situation, and asked him how to start.

He showed me some examples in studio, and suggested me two books from LCC library:

  • Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML by Elisabeth Freeman and Eric Freeman (2006), O'Reilly Media.: USA

  • The Zen of CSS design - visual enlightenment for the web, by Dave Shea and Molly E. Holzschlag (2005) New Riders: USA

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